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Ayurvedic Treatment For Asthama

Asthma is referred to as Swas Rogaâ in Ayurveda. From Ayurvedic perspective, the kapha dosha combines with pranavayu leading to obstruction in the respiratory passage causing a condition called as swas rog or Asthma.
There are various non-allergic and allergic factors that cause Asthma like diet, excessive exposure to smoke and dust, working in excessive cold or hot temperatures, over-exercising, emotional stress, other disorders in lungs or throat or hereditary factors.


  • Coughing, especially at night, with exercise, or when laughing.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • A tight feeling in the chest.
  • Wheezing – a squeaky or whistling sound.

Treatments done at Omkar Clinic

Sthulpachan and sukshmpachan. It is done by two-way
1) Shaman: Oral Ayurvedic medicine according to Prakriti (Body Structure) and symptoms of the patient.
2) Shodhan: Panchakarma

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