Menstrual Problem
- Dr. Satyan Gujar
- 14 April 2016
- Treatments
Gynecological Disorder :
Menstrual Problem
- Problem related to the monthly periods
- Irregular cycles
- Dysmenorrheal – Painful menstrual periods.
- Amenorrhea – No menstrual periods.
- Oligomenorrhooea – Scanty Menstrual periods.
- Menorrhagia – Menstrual periods and heavy bleeding.
- Polymenorohoea – repeat menstrual cycles with in a period of 21 days with heavy bleeding.
- Menstruation with clots.
Sanshanan Chikitsa, vaman, virechan, basti, Nasya according to patients needs, problems, diagnosis and prakruti.
Backache , stomach ache, severe abdominal pain, calf pain, acidity and headache, pimples(acme) at the time of menstruation.