Garbh Sanskar
- Dr. Satyan Gujar
- 14 April 2016
- Treatments
Gynaecological Disorder :
Garbh Sanskar:
Each month wise treatment for 9 months to pregnant woman for her and for the fetus growth.
Gynaecological Disorder :
Peurperal Diseases:
If the post puerperal management like “Pattabandhana” ” Dhoopan ” etc if not followed then the patient is susceptible to various diseases like obesity ( Backache, Anaemia, weight gain, enlarged size of abdomen, decreasing bone density/ brittleness of bones.)
Lenkorrhoea – White discharge causes weakness , backache, loin ache, joint pains, lassitude.
Treatment : Snehana by medicated Oil, swedana,dhoopan, udvartana, Basti.
Treatment : Yoni Prakshalan, Yoni pichu etc.